Jake Sommers, radio man and super MF fan has created a real treasure for Maynard fans and fans of great jazz. A few months ago, Jake started Jazz Player Radio, an Internet radio station inspired by Maynard himself. Jazz Player Radio (JPR, for short) has grown by leaps and bounds and has just graduated to the next level. A note from Jake: --------- I just wanted you to know that JazzPlayerRadio is now owned by a group of musicians/businessmen known as Southwest Media Group LLC (which I am part of). Adding these partners has allowed me to upgrade all of my software and hardware, to add new music a new scheduling system and 1300 more songs to the library. Live365 will no longer be our player for several reasons including all of the pop up ads, and the inability to do what I need to keep the station moving foward. Now to listen to JPR just go to www.jazzplayerradio.com and click the listen link. NO pop ups no signing up for anything...just listen. It's time to take JPR to the next level..Here we go! Jake |